The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I don't drink the Kool-Aid. For Anyone.

Self-Delusion and the 2024 Election

June 27, 2023

The more I read excellent analyses of our current situation like Jonah Goldberg’s Suicide of the West, the more convinced I become that the march toward progressivism in this country must be arrested. I have little doubt that, left unchecked, so much of the incredible success of this country–what Goldberg calls “The Miracle”–stands to be…

On the Indictment of Donald J. Trump

June 13, 2023

By now, we are all aware that former President Trump has been indicted on charges related to the mishandling of classified documents, the second set of issues upon which he has now been indicted and, if the reports are correct, not the last. Responding to this, raging mediocrity Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House, said,…

A Tribute to my Dad, on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday

June 12, 2023

I was probably five or six years old when I began the practice of what became my first regularly-repeated prayer. I would often be awakened by the sound of my Dad firing up his company (City of Roanoke) car, before it was light, to head off to another day of work, and each time I…

A midterm soliloquy.

Clarity: 7 Stanzas at Midterm

November 16, 2022

Hail! The midterms are here; Let us greet them with cheer, As we suffer this national frump. We’ve got problems galore, Folks in pain, and what’s more, The Dems run D.C.; one big clump! ___ The border, inflation, Too much crime in our nation; The voters will know who to dump: Pelosi, and Schumer, And…

Conservative? Yes, I’m 62 and Unequivocally Still a Conservative*

July 1, 2022

Conservative Politics Silence I have not had a lot to say about political things recently. Oh, sure, there’ve been a few cultural issues (which have political implications) upon which I’ve weighed in, but when it comes to partisan politics, I’ve been pretty silent. Get used to it. Politics occupies way too large a place in…

Leaving the Church over Roe?

June 30, 2022

A friend recently shared with me a piece of correspondence he had had with a young lady whom he had known since childhood. In her note to him, she shared her anger and frustration with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe, and one of the things she said and reiterated is something I’ve heard…