The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I don't drink the Kool-Aid. For Anyone.

On Roe and Motives

June 27, 2022

Roe v. Wade has now been overturned by the Supreme Court, and predictably, there are people who are thankful and happy that this has happened–I am among that number–and others who decry the decision. We knew this was coming, and so it’s no surprise to anyone. Some who support the decision have reacted inappropriately; I…

What Can we Do?

June 3, 2022

I haven’t had anything yet to say on the recent spate of horrific mass shootings, the most recent being the killing of four in a doctor’s office in Tulsa. One main reason is that I’ve decided that since the “hot take” is often the WRONG take (which doesn’t stop many from insisting on speaking, often…

On Sermons and Supreme Court Justices

March 19, 2022

As I write this, I am preparing to preach tomorrow, a passage from Colossians 2 on the subject, “Don’t Follow the Rules”. As always, I’m excited to dig into what the text entails, ferret out its meaning as best I can, bridge its timeless truths into the 21st century context in which we find ourselves,…

Of “Stolen Elections” and Christian Witness

April 25, 2021

A few weeks back, I surprised my wife with a trip to New Orleans, a trip made even more exciting by the arrival, from Colorado, of her sister and brother-in-law. The Big Easy was fun; been there now, done that, no need to really go back. I had engaged in this small conspiracy for a…

60 Years of Blessings

September 9, 2020

Today, I turn 60 years of age. Just writing that seems surreal. I know, “60 is the new 40”, but wow. Just…wow. And that’s all I have to say about thaaaa-aat. I decided that the best way I could celebrate would be to “count my blessings”, in the words of the old hymn; to “name…

The Most Important Vote I Will Cast this Year…

September 3, 2020

does not involve deciding between presidential candidates. I want to begin this piece with two truths that seem obvious to me. I say the first one first because when you read the second one, you may be tempted to doubt that I am serious about the first one. So the first one is this: you…