The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I don't drink the Kool-Aid. For Anyone.

An Environmental Quiz

July 6, 2008

Question 1: Which of the following consumed many times more electricity, in his household, than the average American? A. An oil company bigwig B. A fatcat Republican donor C. Donald Trump D. A noted “environmentalist” who got filthy rich through his work for the “environment” Question 2: How many average American households could be powered…

Two Obamas

July 5, 2008

This article should help anyone who remains who believes that Smokin’ Barry is anything other than just another (albeit, exceptional) politician. The Two Obamas

Is Jesus "Safe for the Whole Family"?

July 4, 2008

Chad Hall at Out of Ur has a good post about something I’ve been thinking for awhile; it’s rare that I listen to “Christian music” radio these days (“The Fish”, “K-Love”, or what-have-you), and for similar reasons to this: Tuning Out Christian Radio For anyone who’s been around long enough to remember, you know I’ve…

A Word Re the Ronald Weinland Thread

July 4, 2008

We are having technical difficulties regarding the Weinland thread (the most popular thread in this meager blog’s history). In short, I shut down discussion for a period of 72 hours after some things got too heated, and then I posted a piece (that apparently can’t be seen unless you’re logged in) and opened the thread…

Enough Already! The Nutso Brett Favre Saga

July 3, 2008

This show was old 3-4 years ago, and it’s really, really annoying now: Favre Still Has “Itch” to Play I think I posted a similar post last year at this time; Favre and Roger Clemens (are we finally through with him? Let’s hope.) are two guys who really don’t know when to say “goodbye”. Barry…

Are you a Suitable Nemesis?

July 2, 2008

Nemesis Wanted