The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I don't drink the Kool-Aid. For Anyone.

We've Lost a Great American

July 12, 2008

Tony Snow: 1955-2008

A Motto to Die By

July 9, 2008

It popped up when I logged onto my Gmail account, the “Quote of the Day”, by someone named Andre Gide: “Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.” Then, I thought about what Paul had to say in Romans 7: “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want,…

Several Great Reasons to Vote Obama!

July 8, 2008

Doug Groothius lists several reasons why evangelicals should support Smokin’ Barry and the Traveling Messiah Show: Why I Will Vote for Obama You think that maybe, just maybe, he’s speaking a little tongue-in-cheek?

The Shack, the Church, and the Truth

July 6, 2008

I’ve heard of The Shack, a book that is all the rage now in Christian circles, particularly, apparently, among emergent-types; it would seem to be this year’s Blue Like Jazz, from all I’ve heard. I spent a few minutes perusing it at Barnes & Noble recently, reading particularly the chapter where the Trinity messes around…

Obama's "Christianity"

July 6, 2008

Is Jesus the only way to eternal life, as Christians believe, or are there many paths? Barack Obama thinks the latter. Now, I do not believe that a person must profess to be a Christian in order to serve as our President. What I do believe is that a person ought to be genuine about…

Canadian Craziness: The Canucks are at it Again

July 6, 2008

Two chilling stories you need to read regarding our nutty neighbors to the north: Senators Approve Anti-Spanking Bill Another Chilling Precedent: A Court Overrules a Parent Think that liberalism is harmless? Think again: contemporary liberalism steals rights in the name of its own twisted concept of societal correctness.