Here's How the Conversation Started…
My accountability partner, Matt Mitchell, suggested that an item for which to pray for him would be in the area of developing his next sermon series. And then it went from there to:
“I’m surprised that you need help with sermon series; you mean you don’t just go to SermonCentral and download my messages and then preach them? I’m shocked.” – Byron (everything else from Matt)
Post 1:
Oh, are you a preacher, too?
Post 2:
I’m waiting for the book, “Don’t Forget the Dash: The Collected Works of Byron “Dash” Harvey” ($29.99 Hardcover, Dash Press, c.2025).
And then the piece de resistance:
Actually, I’m waiting for the movie version, “Don’t Drink the Kool Aid. Don’t Forget the Dash. The Byron ‘Dash’ Harvey Story.”
From the back-cover:
“The thrilling life story of one of evangelicalism’s most quixotic online leaders. Watch Dash’s meteoric rise to prominence: Christian school, Little Debbie, Lynchburg, sacrificial lamb following a 75 year pastorate, pastoring a college town church plant and befriending the brilliant Matt Mitchell, and now Methamorphasis Pathways Ecclessial Gathering (aka Red Oak Church). Be amazed at his online savvy (special features take you to the copy-cat blogs that were spawned by his amazing online presence) as he takes on The End of the Spear, Xenos Christian Fellowship, and Ronald Weinland. Yes, there is never before seen footage of Pastor Harvey actually typing his grumpy opinions onto a laptop computer screen–in his pajamas! And extra bonus feature: product reviews: Quiznos, Krispy Kreme, Red Robin, Pods, Ollies, DirecTV from the man who MADE these companies what they are! And all accompanied by a Corrs soundtrack. [DVD: 2009, Steeler Dirt Freak Media, 14.27 minutes, Rated G, approved for all audience. $19.99, order direct]
“I read everything Byron Harvey says…and then do the opposite.” President Barack “Comrade” Obama
“He’s right about everything but football.” President Bill Hamel
“I wish he’d stop calling me ‘E.T.'” Dr. Eric Tober
“I’m just glad he’s not in our district any more.” Super Jeff Powell
“Byron who? I never knew the man.” Matt Mitchell
“I’ve never ever read his blog.’ Karen Harvey
“Heretic!” Bob Robinson
“The funniest guy in America! I think he’s hilarious. I really do.” Byron Harvey
For the record, I do not at all think I’m the funniest guy in America. Top ten? Easily, but Tim Hawkins and Jerry Seinfeld are funnier. I might be third, though, come to think of it…
Oh, and further, what’s this nonsense about Metamorphosis (learn to SPELL it, Matthew) Whatever? The name was going to be “Righteousness Factory 1611”.
Why is this filed under “For a Good Laugh?”
I think it should be under “Getting the Gospel Right.”
Or maybe, “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.”
I was thinking The Worthless Post of the Week.
“Righteousness Factory 1611?”
Now, I’m laughing uncontrollably!
See, I MAY be the third funniest man in America!
I was quoted out of context.
That’s what they all say, Bob.
Full context for Bob’s quote:
“Even a heretic would be better than Byron Harvey! Save us from the dreaded dash!”
Sorry I’m late to the party…
At least in the South they know the tea is to be sweet tea…doh!!!
How’s that for random???
Where’s the endorsement from Ronald Weinland?
“Jesus Christ will return BEFORE I endorse Byron-Harvey.” — Ronald Weinland (all of these quotes are, of course, fictional.)