A Shout Out to My Biggest "Fans"


Hey, I might get to 2000 posts tonite after all, ’cause I’ve got some drafts I’m working on as we speak…but one of the things I must do is to thank my loyal readers, and particularly those who have gotten in on the discussion.  I note the top five commenters consist of:

  • Don Black, who was best man in my wedding and I in his.  He is an excellent blogger in his own right, and I highly, highly commend his blog, the Salty Peanut Gallery.  I still don’t really get the name, but he agrees with me on a lot of stuff, and (sometimes violently) disagrees with me just often enough to be interesting.
  • Laurie, who lives in Alabama and whom I’ve never met, but who agrees with me so regularly that several particularly nasty adversaries accused me of posting as “Laurie, my alter ego”.  Right.  She’s not a blogger, but should be.  Laurie just yesterday passed into second place, ahead of a guy who got into a ridiculous “posting war” to see who could be atop the list.  His name is
  • Warren Throckmorton, who is known by important people as a professor and a “fellow” at the think tank at Grove City College in PA, and who is known as a goof by people who really know him.  I love this man.  Check that; given his specialty, and his adversaries, if it got out that I said I “loved” Warren, his career could be ruined.
  • Andrew Heffner, “Hefe”, who worked for me as youth/music pastor at Fellowship Community Church in Mercer, PA, who is planting a church in the Pittsburgh metro area now, and who engaged in the “comment war” with Don and Warren.
  • Graham Pointer, from across the pond, who regularly brings his lively Brit point of view to the discussion.  I don’t have the context to always know what Graham is referring to (we Americans, to our discredit, know a lot less about England than our English friends do about America), but he’s got his head on straight, for sure.

And then I’d be remiss not to point out the guy behind it all, my lifelong friend Paul Oyler, known affectionately (only) on this blog as “Webbiedude Paul”.  He put it together and made it all happen.  I couldn’t have done it without you, buddy.  Thanks…and thanks to all of you.


  1. Warren Throckmorton on September 10, 2010 at 4:56 am

    Hey that’s Dr. Goof to you!

    The war may be back on with this upstart Laurie. Hmm, I wonder if Laurie is really Don or Hefe’s feminine side.

    Thems a lot a posts bud, nice work, and keep em coming.

  2. Don on September 13, 2010 at 9:00 am

    I’ll never tell…599!

  3. Warren Throckmorton on September 13, 2010 at 9:03 am

    Don – Never fear you can hit the probably never to be broken milestone of 600 comments, simply by answering this simple question?

    Now that Byron is not going to post anymore, what will he do with his time?

    That is a hanging curve right down the middle in the smashZone…

  4. Laurie on September 17, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    What would be worse, to be an alter ego or some guy’s feminine side? Neither one really appeals.

    I guess being an alter ego wouldn’t bother me, since I’d essentially be a figment of his imagination; being the feminine side is giving me the creeps, though.

    • Byron on September 18, 2010 at 7:32 am


  5. Laurie on September 17, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    I’ve had many a laugh at people who were convinced Byron and I were one and the same person – I just can’t help it that on some issues we think alike!

  6. Laurie on September 17, 2010 at 11:54 pm

    Warren and I will probably finish neck and neck but I’m quite certain I won’t catch up to Don.

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