A Boring Blog Lately?


Yeah, I confess; I don’t think I’ve posted any original writing on this blog in what seems like months. I haven’t had much to say about the Smokin’ Barry and the Travelin’ Messiah Show, the Least-Qualified, Most-Liberal Nominee in History. I haven’t changed my mind; the fact that this man is considered, at least at this point in his life/career, to be presidential timber by a lot of Americans is a real telling indictment on the state of our nation. “Mediocre” (that’d be John McCain) still trumps “unqualified” and “unprepared” by a long shot. One of these days I’m going to cut loose on the whole deal, but that day is not today, and tomorrow’s not looking too good either.

Nor have I opined about the Olympics, or Brett Favre (what a silly charade that whole episode has been), or Nascar. I haven’t had much to say about the church (other than linking to some good stuff other folks have written) or about being a Christ-follower, or about Red Oak, or about the EFCA’s great new doctrinal statement. Frankly, if I were a regular reader of this blog, I’d be bored with it at this point, unless I were following the seemingly-interminable debates re end-times events, posts on false prophet Ronald Weinland and aberrant evangelical Harold Camping.

I’ve just had a lot going on, a lot of uncertainty in our lives, what with the sale of our home in Powder Springs for a new place in Marietta that hasn’t closed because for two weeks now, we’ve lacked one piece of paper that some (apparently inept) attorney seems loathe to provide. So we’ve been living like vagabonds, hopping around hither and yon, spending nights with two different church families, in three different motels (if you count vacation in Gatlinburg), and who knows when this ends. Our original contract on the home says we’re supposed to close by tomorrow, and I guess after tomorrow (and it won’t close tomorrow), we could opt out. No, we don’t want to do that; we found a foreclosure bargain three minutes from the church, and the whole fam is jazzed about it, so we still plan to purchase that home, but this is getting annoying. In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a train wreck, I guess, and “this too shall pass”, but that doesn’t make it any less emotionally wearying.

So, dear reader, I’m hoping to soon get back into the groove; I’ve got several things I want to write about, and it could happen sooner or later. In the meantime, Dan Schaeffer is stopping by in a few days, and I hope that SOMEBODY out there has some questions for him about heaven; his book, what I’ve read of it thus far, is a good one and worthy of consideration.

Back atcha soon…

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