Those Narrow-Minded Episcopalians!!!


Bet you thought you’d never hear those words put together, but take a gander at this intolerance!!

The nerve of those bigots! Imagine demanding that a professing Christian minister put away the idol of Islam! What, there’s not room on the shelf for Jesus and Mohammed at the same time? Say it ain’t so, you intolerant…dudes, you!

Here’s iMonk’s take on the whole sordid affair.

For shame, defrocking this Whoopee Goldberg look-alike!


  1. Derlin on April 3, 2009 at 12:32 am

    The first hyperlink isn’t quite right. I’ll come back when I read the article.

  2. Byron on April 3, 2009 at 7:49 am

    Hyperlink working now.

  3. Laura on April 6, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    Oy vey. Thankfully there are some Episcopalians who posses a Scriptural based backbone.

  4. Derlin on April 7, 2009 at 12:10 am

    There are certainly good lessons we can learn by observing those practicing other faiths. Perhaps it’s sad that we don’t have enough good examples in our own faith, but that doesn’t change the fact of it.

    However, I think that if you take any two sufficiently developed religions, you will find that they conflict in mutually exclusive ways. Christianity and Islam hardly make this confusing (to me anyway). It’s true they share a lot of the same heritage, but as soon as you hit the question of the deity of Jesus Christ, or the validity of Mohammed’s prophesy, you run into irreconcilable issues.

    If you treat both religions vaguely enough to make them compatible, you aren’t qualified as a priest in either.

  5. Laurie on April 10, 2009 at 1:42 am

    Insanity. At least the Episcopalians had the good sense to run her off, something they should have done with John Shelby
    Spong. Maybe that’s why she thought they’d be tolerant of her new-found, misguided spirituality.

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