Down is Up, and Up is Down…

By Byron Harvey / February 15, 2010 /

At least for some folks… America is in the midst of genocide, and a significant portion of the victims of genocide are African-American kids.  Of course, I’m talking about the holocaust of abortion.  And one outfit has begun to advertise in the Atlanta area about the fact that Black Children are an Endangered Species The…

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The Darwin/Racism/Eugenics Connection

By Byron Harvey / February 16, 2009 /

You know how books often have a “by-line”? Did you know that Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species had one? Nah, neither did I. Want to know what it was? Ready? Phil Ryken gives us the scoop: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life Now, though I’d never heard that by-line, it doesn’t…

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