The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog
I Don't Drink The Kool-Aid. For Anybody.
A friend of mine who blogs recently wrote a post in which he asked if being “pro-life” entailed more than a simple opposition to abortion (he implied that it does); I suggested in my response that to add a lot of other issues (environment, military buildup, gun control, etc.) to the meaning of “pro-life” is…
Read MoreAt least for some folks… America is in the midst of genocide, and a significant portion of the victims of genocide are African-American kids. Of course, I’m talking about the holocaust of abortion. And one outfit has begun to advertise in the Atlanta area about the fact that Black Children are an Endangered Species The…
Read MoreNot that that’s surprising, given the media’s unwillingness to ever make a hero out of someone like Walter. Here’s his story.
Read MoreRussell Moore explains. And I agree with him. I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday for the same reasons he articulates–but I didn’t realize it ’til I read his reasoning.
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