Private Sector Experience Not Needed

Not in the Obama administration, at least.
We’re nearly a year into our latest presidential experiment. After our 8-year “let’s see what happens when we turn the government over to a teenager” approach (we call that the “Clinton Administration”), and another 8-year experiment we can label “let’s see what happens when we turn the government over to a ‘conservative’ who doesn’t see the redundancy between ‘compassionate’ and ‘conservative'” (the semi-disaster we call the “Bush II Administration”), we’re now hip-deep into the “let’s see what happens when we turn the government over to an utterly inexperienced leftist” experiment. Thankfully, the president’s poll numbers are dropping like a rock; after my shock that any American would vote for such a woefully-underqualified man for president, maybe the polls help restore a smidgen of my faith in the American public–but I digress…the point of this post is to ask you to go and look at a graphical representation of the lack of private sector experience of Comrade Obama’s cabinet appointees, in comparison with the other presidents since Teddy Roosevelt. Hint: the difference between this one, and all the rest, is stark and scary.
No wonder we’re getting the “solutions” we’re being offered…
The 8-year “let’s see what happens when we turn the Government over to a teenager” experiment.
Do you think Chelsea did a bad job of running your country?