Oh Goody! Can't Wait 'til October 14!
September 16, 2008 /

Can it be true? Can it really be true? Not just Joel now, but Victoria is publishing a book as well! Yippee!
Love Your Life: Living Happy, Healthy, and Whole
Having attempted to read Joel’s first book–and finding myself, after a few chapters, feeling like I was having a supper of syrup–I can only imagine the vapidity of this latest effort. Read me Vogon poetry, for Pete’s sake, anything but this!!!
The fact that you know what Vogon poetry is makes your awesome quotient go way up.
Belgium, man. Belgium.
She doesn’t need my $25 bucks, and I can hardly stomach listening to her husband for even the time it takes to surf past him – did she write that book before or after she had the fight with the flight attendant?