Now for Some Fun: Ya Got Trouble!


Thanks to my good friend Luke Livingston, who gave me a special dispensation due to special circumstances, I’ve got a “raw” copy of our performance of “The Music Man”, from Saturday evening, May 1, and from that, I’ve culled my favorite piece; those of you familiar with the story will know that folks, we’ve got trouble in River City!

Ya Got Trouble.wmv


  1. jen on May 11, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    This is absolutely amazing! You were fantastic, and so was the supporting cast!! Bravo!

  2. Ruedi and Sandy on May 12, 2010 at 8:27 am

    Great performance! We enjoyed the entire show!
    Thank you for spending so much time in practice, but also for your willingness to share your talents!

    • Byron on May 12, 2010 at 9:25 pm

      And without an audience, we play to ourselves. Thank YOU for driving down to support us!

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