The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I Don't Drink The Kool-Aid. For Anybody.

76 Trombones

By Paul Oyler / May 13, 2010 /

This is the best-known and loved song from the musical, though I had a couple others I enjoyed performing more.  Nonetheless, for your viewing pleasure (or disdain, I guess, as the case may be), here’s 76 Trombones:

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It's Me, Again. On Scrabble, Again.

By Paul Oyler / May 12, 2010 /

Here’s Episode 2, Part 1, in which I should have been beaten in the first round.  A word of explanation for my poor performance: I’d just (right before lunch on day of filming) won $9500, and really, honestly was in a bit of a daze.  Thus, I just wasn’t sharp, but I’ll take the gift…

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Now for Some Fun: Ya Got Trouble!

By Paul Oyler / May 11, 2010 /

Thanks to my good friend Luke Livingston, who gave me a special dispensation due to special circumstances, I’ve got a “raw” copy of our performance of “The Music Man”, from Saturday evening, May 1, and from that, I’ve culled my favorite piece; those of you familiar with the story will know that folks, we’ve got…

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Yours Truly. Scrabble with Chuck Woolery, Circa 1990. Seriously.

By Paul Oyler / May 7, 2010 /

Chances are that most of my current friends aren’t even aware that way back in 1990, I was on the game show Scrabble, with Chuck Woolery.  I appeared on three episodes, and took home what was, for that time, some decent smack.  I won’t ruin the surprise for you, but finally, after all these years,…

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Sins of the Father

By Paul Oyler / April 25, 2010 /

A touching video about a young man whose mother was murdered by his father—former Carolina Panther Rae Carruth—and how the now-10-year-old boy is coping with life under those circumstances. Sins of the Father

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