The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I Don't Drink The Kool-Aid. For Anybody.

Matthew On "The Least of These"

By Paul Oyler / September 27, 2008 /

I started a series a couple of weeks back on a website called “”, a “community of Christians” that has come out in support of Barack Obama for president. Here’s the next installment: “Caring for the least of these” is next on’s list of values. Again, the value is one upon which we all…

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Some Questions for Part II

By Paul Oyler / September 16, 2008 /

What does it mean to “promote life with dignity”? And which presidential ticket does that best? This is the first item on the list that says it values in its quest to care for “the least of these”. I hate to be “Mr. Obvious”, but at least on this point, isn’t it a no-brainer?…

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Some Questions for Part I

By Paul Oyler / September 16, 2008 /

Several weeks ago, I came across a website (via a YouTube video I’d watched) called “”. For those who may not recognize the reference, this is the passage where Jesus sums up teaching to His followers with the words, “inasmuch as you’ve done it unto the least of these, My brethren, you have done it…

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Moving and Aging

By Paul Oyler / September 10, 2008 /

Another light couple of weeks posting-wise, except for my posts regarding Sarah Palin, part of the now-winning McCain/Palin ticket. We’ve been looking for another Reagan-type leader for the conservative movement; who’d have guessed that it might be a she from Alaska? But the point of this post is to explain that we’ve moved into a…

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