California to the Rescue for Kiddie Crossdressers

By Byron Harvey / July 3, 2013 /

Thankfully, help is now on the way for transgendered kindergarteners: Will Jerry Brown Help Crossdressing Toddlers with their Potty Issues? Really, you just can’t possibly make this stuff up…

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Councilman Jim Kenney: Politically-Correct Person of the Month

By Byron Harvey / August 1, 2012 /

Chick-fil-A has made national news for the last week-and-a-half, following the remarks of President Dan Cathy. This is not news; unless you live under a rock somewhere, you not only are aware of the things that Dan said, but also of the vitriolic response of some on the left. You are likely aware of “Chick-fil-A…

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None Dare Call it Education

By Byron Harvey / July 21, 2012 /

I had never heard of Indiana University Southeast prior to reading this article. Now, I wish I never had. Students are not allowed to express opinions except within a “free speech zone”. It’s hard to express how asinine this is; if the literal wording of the thing is held to, roommates would be required to…

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Sadly, This is Not a Parody

By Byron Harvey / March 5, 2010 /

Detroit School Leader Can’t Pen a Coherent Sentence The Lord bless him real good, but there must be a better way for Mr. Mathis to serve the Detroit community.

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"Christian Voodoo": OK, NOW I've Seen Everything

By Byron Harvey / February 8, 2010 /

A friend sent me info about a family that is attempting–with the encouragement of their “church”–to incorporate voodoo (or, more technically as they call it, “vodou”) into their “Christianity” for the sake of two adopted kids from Haiti.  Now, of course it’s great that these folks adopted a couple of kids from Haiti–well, let’s put…

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