The No Kool-Aid Zone Blog

I Don't Drink The Kool-Aid. For Anybody.

A Worthwhile Endeavor?

By Byron / February 28, 2023 /

Is it worth our time to get involved in politics, as believers in Jesus? What might be the value of our doing so? That's the topic of this episode…and it might get a little controversial!

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The Norm for our Involvement

By Byron / February 21, 2023 /

So as we consider how to think about politics, what should our politics LOOK like? Today, we talk about how the Christian should reflect Jesus in everything he/she does…including political involvement. 

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The Goal of our Political Involvement

By Byron / February 14, 2023 /

Season 1, Episode 2: The Goal of our Involvement Have you ever stepped back and asked the question, "why should I concern myself with politics?" It's a simple question, but fundamental to the Christian's political involvement. I have the answer, here!

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What’s Your Point, Byron?

By Byron / February 7, 2023 /

Season 1: "Not in Polite Company: The Intersection of Faith and Politics" It's certainly a fair question to ask, "why is this subject so important?" I try to give my answers to this question in this episode.

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Ask Jesus into Your Head!

By Byron / January 31, 2023 /

This is "Episode 0", the preliminary podcast wherein I take a few moments to explain why I am beginning this podcast. I'd suggest you start here, in part because it's fairly short (whaddya got to lose?) and in part because starting at the beginning is always a good place. If you like it, consider subscribing…and…

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